Thursday, October 3, 2013

Structure of the Argumentative Essay

Structure of an argumentative essay

1st par. –serves to get the reader’s attention; presents the issue and the two sides of the issue and in your thesis you state your claim (or your position)—without using 1st or 2nd person….. EXAMPLE:
While many scientists feel there is no harm in using animals for experimental use, the truth is that many animals suffer unnecessarily and are treated cruelly in backroom laboratories. 

Body Par. – present rational, logical REASONS to support the thesis; along with the reasons, one provides evidence that is relevant, representative and sufficient. The evidence, whether fact or opinion, may be accompanied by examples and explanation

Next to the last paragraph – “some”???? could be some proponents; some members of the ASPCA; many other scientists; opponents – present the other side of the argument—not in-depth, but you MUST acknowledge that it exists—THEN, refute it with your own logic and reasoning, which is stronger than the opposing view

CONCLUSION – leave the reader with an deliberate impact – this may be the shortest paragraph in the paper; it may contain only 3 sentences—but it MUST contain more than one.

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